It's another rainy Wednesday here in Ann Arbor. It's been a cool, dry summer except when I write these posts. Rain or shine, Wednesdays are nice. I go to my favorite neighborhood in town, pick up my farm share from the market, and sometimes splurge on a bagel with fresh goat cream cheese and a tomato. Who loves Ann Arbor? I love Ann Arbor. Who still misses New York City? I still miss New York City. New York can feel like a chronic illness by choice. It's so wonderful but can be so bad for you.
This week I'm still doing nothing but sketching. I've posted
before explaining how I can act when I'm in the beginning stage of a project. I am a desk avoider. But I like to live with a story so I can knock it around in my brain for a while. I repeat the story over and over again. That's how I find (well, what seems to me anyway) the natural rhythm and pagination for the book. If I've just gotten my little paws on a piece of writing, I immediately put it on my wall in my studio (or the window).

If I haven't quite memorized the story and I'm really being an introverted artist that week, the text travels with me. Below is how Erin Stead, Illustrator, does the dishes.

And so, the sketches continue.

And continue.

As usual, click on the images for a better view.
'Til next week!