But now it is fall. It's a beautiful time to live in Ann Arbor where (I'm pretty sure) the trees outnumber the residents. However, I'm just returning from a very nice quick trip to New York and I am back to my regularly scheduled program of feeling torn. October is one of my favorite months in the city and we were staying with friends who live near Prospect Park. New York City was giving me quite an argument to drop everything and move back.
Still, on the drive back from the big city, I was very happy to return to our big barn in the little city. It is hard to argue with the smell of pine needles and fall leaves and the affection I have come to realize that I possess for this (now a little broke) state. When we accidentally moved back to Michigan, I think Phil and I were defeated (and a little broke) but so was this state. It was the height of the financial crisis. I found myself sticking around and feeling defensive about this place the way you would run to a friend who was having a tough time.
Artistically speaking, it's certainly not a bad thing to have to walk my dog in the woods in the morning. For now, the pace of everything is helping me draw. In New York, I'm not always sure I had enough time to process all of the stimuli and make art out of it.
Right now, I am working on a dummy that takes place in fall (and then spring, later) so I get to steal from my surroundings.

I stole the stamp today from Phil's stamp blog. The blog is for his book that is releasing in Spring 2011 entitled Jonathan and the Big Blue Boat. I know that's a long time from now, but he's helping us all through it with a daily countdown on the blog.
On another note, thanks to the kind people who have left comments about A Sick Day for Amos McGee. They mean a lot to me. I love hearing about bedtime story experiences or library programs.
Speaking of library programs, if you're in southeast Michigan and feel like hearing a story, Phil and I will be reading at the Pittsfield Branch of the Ann Arbor District Library on November 5th from 10-11 am. Mark your calendar!
Also, Craig Frazier (an author and illustrator and graphic designer of very high esteem. If you haven't read the Stanley series, let alone Hank Finds Inspiration, you are missing out) just posted a little review of our Amos on his website. And I am once again looking to the thesaurus for another word for flattered. Or blushing a little.
Happy Fall!