So rather than try to sum up everything at once, I thought I would start small and talk a little bit about the present. I am in the beginning of a new book, which means I am walking around with a cloudy head. I live in a college town and today is the first football game of the year. It's a wild week to live in Ann Arbor. The students move back in and the city construction workers dig up all the streets just to make sure the parents don't visit too often. There are no more parking spots in town like there were over the summer and there are U-Haul vans everywhere. For the week the students return but don't have the distraction of classes, their overall presence can seem overwhelming. But it doesn't last very long. The truth is, I like the hustle and bustle of it. It marks fall's return and gives me a little boost of energy in the studio.
The same is true about the first football game of the year. I will tell you something about myself. I am crazy for NCAA basketball. I'm a super fan and a season ticket holder for U of M basketball games. Every year I get a little worse. I also love baseball. The Detroit Tigers, to be specific. Phil and I listen to just about every game on the radio (most of the time while we work in the studio). Football has never sang to me. Living in this town though, it's hard not to put on your letter sweater and join in the festivities. I like living in a town with so much rhythm.
Speaking of Ann Arbor, the Kerrytown Book Festival is next Sunday. Phil and I will be there signing at 1pm in the Children's Tent. It should be a nice day so please stop by. For more information, click here. The night before the book festival is the Homegrown Festival in the same pavilion. I love this festival. It's delicious. I recommend attending both.
A couple of comments recently asked me to post my acceptance speech. I'll work on that. I'm not sure you can find it online since it was published in the Horn Book. I promise to post more about the Caldecott next– in pieces. For now, I leave you with an image of Lake Michigan. Phil and I have been there a few times this summer, but it never feels like enough.