Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ideas, coming and going.

Hello! I've said before that I avoid my desk quite often and the picture on the left is an illustration of that. That's my dog, Wednesday, at work with me in our backyard. I'm in the beginning stages of of working out a new story idea. For me, this is like walking around with a constant headache. I think my personality gets a little severe around this time. Minute to minute, I'm a genius or a complete failure. I'll take it though, if it means I get to live in the picture you're looking at on the left. No complaints here!

Everyone tends to work in their own chaos (for instance, my mother's is color coordinated push pins, my old boss made piles of stuff on the floor) and here is a little of mine. What is missing is a coffee cup. I'm assuming it was in my hand as I took this picture.

What you're looking at here are some bike references (try drawing one out of your head-it's impossible), some animal references from a nature guide Phil had when he was a kid, an old pill bottle full of eraser pieces, my fancy metal pencil box, a pad of paper and my notebook of secrets.

These are some ideas I'm knocking around. Actually, the one above sort of got scrapped.

That's Edna.

Edna has porcupine quills if it's not clear in this rough sketch. One of the tough things about this stage of the game is knowing what to include and what to get rid of. Most of what I've done in the last month has been scrapped. But Edna stays.

Ta ta for now!


  1. oh man i recently tried to draw a bike, a very challenging task! i cannot wait to know more of this edna.

  2. why did the one above get scrapped?! i like it.

  3. Thanks! It's different now anyway. I should have clarified. The mailman still around.
