Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Spring is really rolling here right now. There are Marches in Michigan that laugh in the face of spring but this year it's really mild. I'm tentatively enjoying it and so is the dog (who is on your left tentatively checking out Huron river).

7o days until A Sick Day for Amos McGee hits the shelves! Or at least the internet! I'm probably going to post about the process for the next few weeks to get everyone nice and sick of the book before it comes out. Remember this post about my picture making process?

We'll start today at the very last picture I made for the book but the very first one you'll see. The cover.

For better or for worse, I tend to thumb my nose at the computer. It's a tool for me. There are times when I make bad sketches on it, lay out a book, or stare at it to try to get an idea. I avoid the computer for final art. For the cover of A Sick Day for Amos McGee, I had an idea that I would do the title type by hand. So I went to work. Below is the carved block.

Here is a detail of it.

I printed the title type in 3 colors– one for the cover, one for the title page, and one for luck.

I ended up (with the help of the art director) using the dark blue type on the cover. I don't think it mattered. The type is pretty small and would have been just as nice as digital. But I learned a little and I enjoyed carving the type.

The book is out May 25th! Mark your calendars! 'Til next time!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A case of books!

We're actually thawing out this week after the snowstorm pictured on your left. But it was pretty. I live in Michigan, so you never really know, but it may have been the last big one.
Last week Phil and I received a couple of cases of A Sick Day for Amos McGee (which will be out May 25th). We had to give a few copies away and the recipients wanted them signed.
It might sounds silly, but I have been dreading signing copies of my book since I knew I was making a book. I have terrible handwriting. I think the type of drawings I usually make should go hand in hand with nice nun-like script. But this is not the case.

To compensate for my handwriting, I made a little print on each book I was giving out.

So everyone gets a penguin along with a hurried signature.