Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A case of books!

We're actually thawing out this week after the snowstorm pictured on your left. But it was pretty. I live in Michigan, so you never really know, but it may have been the last big one.
Last week Phil and I received a couple of cases of A Sick Day for Amos McGee (which will be out May 25th). We had to give a few copies away and the recipients wanted them signed.
It might sounds silly, but I have been dreading signing copies of my book since I knew I was making a book. I have terrible handwriting. I think the type of drawings I usually make should go hand in hand with nice nun-like script. But this is not the case.

To compensate for my handwriting, I made a little print on each book I was giving out.

So everyone gets a penguin along with a hurried signature.


  1. Love it, Erin. Pretty cool seeing your names together on the cover! :D

  2. It must be so exciting to get the box of books :-)

  3. I wish I was on the receiving end of one of those beautiful books with a "hurried signature"! Can't wait to read it!
